Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!

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Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!

Recently, a Chinese investor broke the news that a journey to defending rights on the Aims platform is a long and difficult journey.

After more than a year of unremitting efforts, the US $ 24,000 in the investor's account is still out of reach like a mirror flower moon.

So what happened to this investor?Intersection

In 2019, investors will associate with a business manager on the Internet because of fate, and then enter the platform's trading world.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第1张图片-要懂汇圈网

At first, all trading activities were in an orderly manner, and the resignation of business managers had become the starting point of investors' funding dilemma.

Time was pushed to August 2023. The investor tried to withdraw 4,000 US dollars for the first time, but encountered a long wait for the backstage "to be approved" ... Unwilling investors, then subsequently launched two consecutive funds,But they all fell into the same deadlock.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第2张图片-要懂汇圈网

In the face of the platform's indifferent response, "accounts were suspended due to the issue of agency funding."

Investors feel both confusing and helpless, and always cannot understand why their accounts are involved in such disputes;

What is even more difficult to accept is that even if the problem exists, the resignation of the former agent should never become an excuse for the platform's responsibility.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第3张图片-要懂汇圈网

The indifference and inaction of the subsequent platform are simply a record of investors on the road to defending their rights.

Investors have requested customer service to give the clues to the agent and customer manager countless times, but they only exchanged the empty "feedback", as if this was the nightmare of the investor, and it would never wait for the dawn of dawn.

Mail communication?But throwing stones in the abyss, unable to stir up ripples, responding to thinness as air.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第4张图片-要懂汇圈网

In a blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, AIMS Rongying Securities not only did not solve the dilemma of investors, but instead made the US $ 24,000 as an forgotten treasure and silent in the cold account. This is undoubtedGreatly destroy the confidence and patience of investors.

And the investor account's reasonable blockade is even more likely, which makes people can't help but question the integrity and responsibility of this platform.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第5张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第6张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第7张图片-要懂汇圈网

Now, let's focus on the latest developments of Aims Rongying Securities.

Interestingly, their trading partners also seem to change quietly -from the former German power brigade Dortmund Football Team, instead joined hands with England's giants Tottenham football team.

This change can't help but guess whether Aims Rongying Securities has been adjusted in strategic direction or market positioning.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第8张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第9张图片-要懂汇圈网

As shown in the figure above, on the official website of 2024Aims:

AuricInternationalMarketgroup has been authorized and supervised in multiple jurisdictions.

AuricInternationalMarketPtyLTD is supervised by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and has been allowed to provide financial services in Australia, but it is limited to the scope of authorization and only for Australian residents.

AuricInternationalMarketlimited, supervised by the Native Financial Services Administration.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第10张图片-要懂汇圈网

Subsequently, the truth brother found that the Australian company named AuricintemlMarketPtyLtd, which was named AuricinternationalmarketPtyLtd, Aims. In addition to only Australian residents, it also did not provide services to retail customers.(So ​​domestic customers first exclude this company)

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第11张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第12张图片-要懂汇圈网

Secondly, by downloading the PC's transaction software and the MT4/5 query on the mobile phone, Aims Rongying Securities is now only one AuricinternationalMarketsLtd supervised by the Labuanfsa.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第13张图片-要懂汇圈网

In the investigation in May this year, the truth brother found that Aims Rongying Securities used in actual transactions in the information is still the AuricInternationalMarketslimity regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Service (VFSC).

It has been replaced by AuricInternationalMarketsLtd, which is supervised by Labuanfsa.

Aims Rongying Securities turns behind the speed of light, how much unknown secrets and risks are hidden?

People can't help but put a big question mark on the true face and operation transparency of Aims Rongying Securities!

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第14张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第15张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第16张图片-要懂汇圈网

Through the inquiries of the official website of the Labuanfsa (Labuanfsa), as shown in the figure above, the AuricinternationalMarketslimity is MoneyBroker, a monetary broker under the regulatory of the FSA, is a STP foreign exchange broker.

Although its STP foreign exchange brokerage status has been conclusive, unfortunately, it is still shrouded in the shadow of offshore supervision.The offshore attributes of the Nawin FSA often make people question the strictness and effectiveness of their supervision. After all, offshore supervision is often associated with the lower regulatory threshold and weaker law enforcement.

What is even more worrying is that when a broker is not only limited by the framework of offshore supervision, but also accompanied by a negative evaluation of the market reputation, this will undoubtedly lays heavy hidden dangers for investors' financial security and trading experience.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第17张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第18张图片-要懂汇圈网

Poor word -of -mouth means that the opaque operations, customer service defects, or capital security issues in history are all red lights that investors must be vigilant when choosing brokers.

Therefore, for the AuricInternationalMarketslimited, we cannot blindly trust with its STP model and the regulatory label of the Naman FSA.Spend.

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第19张图片-要懂汇圈网

Aims Rongying Securities Pit, you did not discuss: $ 24,000 offshore soul arrays, trusting the dog, investors directly calling the pit father!-第20张图片-要懂汇圈网

In the field of investment, cautiousness is always king, and for those brokers with poor reputation and being regulated by offshore supervision, investors need to think twice to avoid being caught in unnecessary risks.

Truth small bulbs, turn all the way !!

One more repost, one less person is fooled!

Reveal the truth, you and I are all sober men !!

扫 Submitting complaints, scanning the code

The message area is waiting for you to build the truth city ~

标签: Pi Securities st

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